
Love Poem-Queen Of My Heart

Queen Of My Heart🌹 
love poem
love poem

If diamonds are the best confession of love
Then this mine I'll bring to you 
This ore of diamonds to you I give
This jewelry of diamonds I use to confess

I come with this ring
On my lips a prayer
To the heavens I barely know
A prayer for only one
Please say yes

Love will you be mine
Will you be the queen of my world 
Will you be the lioness to this king
Will you stand as the empress to this emperor 
Will you be my only imperial concubine?

Love I don't promise perfect 
I promise a roller coaster
Through the highs I shall cheer with you 
In the midst of the lows I shall soothe you
In the vast varying seas I shall swim by your side

When the tides are high
Let me be your shield 
When you feel lost at sea
Just follow the beats of my heart 
They will bring you home 
I swear...

Love will you be mine
Will you stand by my side
Will you be the only one
Will you be my infinite bond

Your eyes like glaciers they shine
Your lips warm and curled like juicy fruits 
Your curves like the edges of a Mona Lisa painting 
You own me

Your beauty doesn't just shine
It stands purer than diamonds
Like gold it adorns you
Like silver it's simply unbreakable 
And like gems it glows

I want an eternity
Of mornings of cuddling with you 
Of nights of us curled under
Lost in the sweet scents of our bodies
Twined in the raw desires of us

You own me my queen 
You're my imperfect perfect half
You're the half of my soul
The one to whom I truly belong
.....will you please marry me?


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